• Freemasonry is a traditional and universal initiatory order founded on the Fraternity. It is an alliance of free and good morals, of all races, of all nationalities and belonging to all religions.


    • Freemasonry aimed at improving humanity. In this sense, Freemasons are recognized Brothers and owe their help and assistance even in life-threatening situations. They must help any person in danger.


    • In the constant search for truth and justice, Freemasons do not accept any obstacle and set no limits. They respect each other’s thinking and free speech, seek the conciliation of contradictions, and want to unite people through universal ethics and respecting each person’s personality.


    • Freemasons regard work as a duty and a right. They have to respect the laws and the legitimate authority of the country where they live and where they meet freely. They are educated and disciplined citizens and comply with the imperatives of their conscience.


    • In the practice of Art, Freemasons follow the observance of the traditional rules and customs of the Order. Words, signs, and touches traditionally communicated to them in the Lodge, during initiatory ceremonies, recognize Freemasons in the common search of the same ideal among themselves. These words, signs and touches, as well as rites and symbols, are subject to an inviolable secret and cannot communicate to any person who does not have the capacity to know them.


    • Every Freemason is free to declare or not to belong to the Masonic order, but cannot reveal that information of a Brother.


    • Freemasons are associated with each other in order to constitute (according to Masonic tradition) collectives that take the name of Lodges. Any Lodge is governed according to the decisions taken by majority Master Masons, meeting dress code, but it cannot depart from the general principles of Freemasonry nor the laws of obedience, which it belongs.


    • Lodges are grouped into Grand Lodges, keeper of tradition, exercising sovereign authority, exclusive and without bias on the three main degrees of Symbolic Freemasonry: Apprentice, Companion (journeyman) and Master Mason.


    • The Grand Lodges are governed according to the traditional principles of the Universal Order, their own constitutions, and the laws that they have regularly given. They respect the sovereignty and independence of other Obedience and prohibit any involvement in their internal affairs.


    • The Grand Lodges maintain the necessary relations for the Coordination of the Universal Order among themselves.


    • The Grand Lodges can establish between themselves and the fraternal alliances, but they do not recognize any other national or international Masonic authority superior to their own.


    • The Grand Lodges establish their rules and norms and ensure their own administration, justice and internal discipline. Thus it is maintained the universality of the Masonic Order in the personality of each national Masonic body, and in terms of autonomy of each Lodge and respect individual freedom of each brother to all Freemasons to reign in Love, Harmony and Peace.


    • Universal Freemasonry has created the modern democracy that it proclaims and defends. It has continuously contributed to the progress of mankind, created bodies for twinning of nations, bodies of universal character as a guarantee of peace and understanding among people militating for the diminishing of oppression and abuses.


    • Entry into the Order is allowed to any free man with good morals who through work, perseverance and honesty has earned the esteem and respect of society. To be Mason, you must strongly believe in God, love your Homeland to the ultimate sacrifice, love and respect your family and the Order as yourself. “Know yourself, love your neighbor, help him, respect his dignity,” here is the Golden Rule of Masonry. Freemasonry promotes respect for human rights, respect for the laws, homeland traditions and universal culture. Modern Freemasonry is not a secret society, its noble purposes being publicly known.


  • Moldovan Freemasonry has ancient roots comparable to those of Universal Freemasonry, contributing to the development of the Moldovan Society. Grand Lodge of Moldova has legal personality and is recognized by the justice of our country Moldova, with all the legal rights and sit beside formulas certification secular requirement for a work of high moral and spiritual, aware that the Supreme Light of the Great Architect of the Universe , is the essential target that can only be achieved by an endless love that comes from faith in the truth.